Spring Portrait Sessions - Northwest Arkansas Portrait Photography

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Our dates for spring portrait sessions are filling up quickly! I'm currently booking sessions in April, May and June with some March availability left. If you are looking for great photographs to decorate your walls, or even just your Facebook wall, contact us today to schedule your session.

You can also find out what we're up to on Facebook. There's a lot in store for you in the next few weeks, so don't forget to come back!

- L

Gorgeous Christos Wedding Gown - Northwest Arkansas Wedding Photography

Friday, March 14, 2014

You may have noticed some changes to the blog! While we're working away, here's a little bit of wedding gown gorgeousness to hold you over. I snapped this photo the other day while I was feeling particularly inspired by the gorgeous light of the sunset.

Embellished Lace Wedding Gown by Christos Bridal

I'm just obsessed with the details on this dress. Lace appliqué, crystal beading and intricate embroidery...what's not to love? Stay tuned for more! 

Bridal Gown by Christos from The Bridal Salon at Stanley Korshak

Love it? Contact us and let us know you'd love some gorgeous art of your own gown!

- L

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